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Downloading large file from s3

Downloading large file from s3
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amazon s3 - Download large files from s3 via php - Stack Overflow

Download large files from s3 via php. Ask Question Asked 10 days ago. Active 9 days ago. Viewed 33 times 1. I have managed to upload large files to s3 using multiPart Upload, but I can't download them again using the getObject function. Is there another way I can achieve this? Here my code. Does anyone know if it's possible to import a large dataset into Amazon S3 from a URL? Basically, I want to avoid downloading a huge file and then reuploading it to S3 through the web portal. I just want to supply the download URL to S3 and wait for them to download it to their filesystem. I have a very basic setup for file downloads from S3 (and serving it to the user). It is working fine for smaller files but when I try to download a large file (like MB PDF) and put output to the browser I run out of memory.

downloading large file from s3

Downloading large file from s3

I'm working on an application that needs to download relatively large objects from S3. Some files are gzipped and size hovers around 1MB to 20MB compressed. So what's the fastest way to download them? In chunks, all in one go or with the boto3 library? I should warn, if the object we're downloading is not publically exposed I actually don't even know how to download other than using the boto3 library.

In this experiment I'm only concerned with publicly available objects. The simplest first. Note that in a real application you would do something more with the r.

And in fact you might want to get the text out instead since that's encoded. If you stream it you can minimize memory bloat in your application since you can re-use the chunks of memory if you're able to do something with the buffered content. In this case, the buffer is just piled on in memory, bytes at a time.

I did put a counter into that for-loop to see how many times it writes and if you multiple that with or respectively it does add up. I'm actually quite new to boto3 the cool thing was to use boto before and from some StackOverflow-surfing I found this solution to support downloading of gzipped or non-gzipped objects into a buffer:. Note how it doesn't try to find out if the buffer is gzipped but instead relying on assuming it is plus a raised exception. This feels clunky, around the "gunzipping", but it's probably quite representative of a final solution.

Complete experiment code here. At first I ran this on my laptop here on my decent home broadband whilst having lunch. The results were very similar to what I later found on EC2 but times slower here, downloading large file from s3.

So let's focus on the results from within an EC2 node in us-west-1c. I ran each function 20 times. It's interesting, but not totally surprising that the function that was fastest for the large file wasn't necessarily the fastest for the smaller file.

The winners are f1 and f4 both with one gold and one silver each. Makes sense because it's often faster to do big things, over the network, all at once, downloading large file from s3.

With a tiny margin, f1 and f4 are slightly faster but they are not as convenient because they're not streams. In f2 and f3 you have the ability to do something constructive with the stream. Downloading large file from s3 a matter of fact, in my application I want to download the S3 object and parse it line by line so I can use response. But most importantly, I think we can conclude that it doesn't matter much how you do it, downloading large file from s3.

Lastly, that boto3 solution has the advantage that with credentials set right it can download objects from a private S3 bucket. This experiment was conducted on a m3. That 18MB file is a compressed file that, when unpacked, is 81MB.

This little Python code basically managed to download 81MB in about 1 second. The future downloading large file from s3 here and it's awesome. Follow peterbe on Twitter. With that size I wouldn't not even bother about performance. Large files to me start with hundreds of megabytes. In other words, something that do not fit into lambdas memory being read in one chunk.

BytesIO obj. Put a print statement before and after and try on a large file and you will see. Check out downloading large file from s3 side project Song Search. Home Archive About Contact. The Functions f1 The simplest first. BytesIO for chunk in r. Peter Bengtsson 02 April Reply Yes. Will fix when I'm on a computer.

Anonymous 09 April Reply With that size I wouldn't not even bother about performance. What do you think?

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Downloading large file from s3

downloading large file from s3

Feb 02,  · If the file is larger than the minimum needed by the part, download the appropriate 1/5th of the file. For example the second branch will download and create a part only if the file is larger than 5MB, the third 10MB, etc. But if the file is less than 5MB,(or 10, 15, Lee Harding. As @layke said, it is the best practice to download the file from the S3 cli it is a safe and secure. But in some cases, people need to use wget to download the file and here is the solution. aws s3 presign s3://. Start S3 Browser and select the bucket that contains the files you want to download. Selet the bucket that contains the files you want to download. 2. Select the file(s) and/or folder(s) which you need to download and click Download.

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